Monday, July 26, 2010

CitySolve Seattle W/Dad 7/12

This was part race, part weekend with dad...I got off work late and we didn't even leave for Seattle until after midnight! I think we were literally in our room in Bremerton at 545 am Saturday morning, with the race starting in a matter of hours! Rather than go to sleep, Dad went to the complimentary breakfast buffet, the minute it opened at 6:00am. I got a few short hours of sleep before meeting Dannel in the lobby to take the ferry over to Seattle. It was a nice ride, and a very nice day but that didn't change the fact that I had about three hours of sleep! Well, by the time we got to 88 keys, I was definitely ready to go, and Jason Hoffsess even gave us some props as the number 2 team from Vegas. We would hope NOT to disappoint. The race was actually going fairly well until we were directed to a weird part of town which was way off the beaten path by Hans, which is not unusual in a Citysolve race. Up hills, down the road, more hills, until we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere. Apparently, when giving directions to someone, don't forget to type the North, South, East, and West at the end of the address! At this point we realized there was no sense in continuing, and we walked back to the starting point. Having said all that, and taking a one hour penalty, we still finished in 27th place. Had I known we were so close to top 25, I would have ran, and qualified us for New Orleans. Now Dannel will have to do it on his own this August in Portland. Well, shortly thereafter we parted ways, I took the ferry back to Bremerton, and me and my dad had pizza at a Red Sox themed pizza place around the corner from the hotel. What was funny was the Yankees were in town and the place was a ghost town! We took the ferry back AGAIN, this time with vehicle, and me and my dad played some poker for the one hour ferry ride to Seattle. He once saw two men playing poker on the ferry and was so jealous. So we played some cards, and had some fun. The town was buzzing being a Saturday night, the Yankees being in town, and the Mariners having won in dramatic fashion. We parked, and had some beers at the Hotel 1000 with Jonathan and Melissa. We were supposed to see a reggae show but we had some beers at the bar next door, the green light or the green room or something. Well, at the end of the night me and my dad had the decision to drive back to Portland (3 hours) or drive to Bremerton to our paid for hotel (1 hour) and have the free breakfast buffet again. You can guess what we chose. We drove back the next day, actually Dad did, and I slept the whole way considering I had to work later =)

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