Monday, July 23, 2012

I think it is safe to say the Celtics Cavs game from earlier this evening changed the landscape of the NBA in the short term and long term and I think we will see the effects of this game for the next decade. My first instinct was that David Stern was going to ensure that this series was going to go 7 games, and have the Cavs win and go onto the finals, which always seemed to be their destiny. Or perhaps that he knew the easiest way to get Lebron to NY was to lose to the Celtics, still insuring a premium NBA finals against the Lakers. Or third, maybe Lebron James just quit and this was his F-U Cleveland game because he was getting boo'd or it would be easier for him to leave for NY if he lost.

Either way he looked like someone already playing for another team. Mo Williams was the only one trying for the Cavs, and James looked like someone who didn't care. This was the biggest fraud of a triple double I have ever seen, it should have been a quadruple double if you count turnovers (He was 1 short). He passed the ball, and looked completely uninterested. Kevin Garnett was breathing fire and Lebron James looked like someone that already knew the outcome of this game. He did not look angry

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